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Quest for Excellence: The Talent Search Challenge

The Association of Odisha ICSE Schools conducts the Talent Search Examination every year as a part of its many activities to assess the level of knowledge of students about national and international events of the world. It is conducted for the students of Classes 1 to 10 for the member schools. For TSE, 70% of the questions are set from the prescribed book and 30% from current affairs. The questions consist of objective type multiple choice questions and students mark their answers on specially designed OMR answer sheet. Attractive Cash awards and merit certificates are given to toppers in this examination. This year too the Talent Search Examination was
smoothly conducted on 20th January 2024, from 9:45a.m. to 11a.m. under the able guidance of Sr. P. Selvi Secretary-Treasurer, AOICSE and Principal Sr. Navya. A Centre Supervisor from the nearby school was appointed to look into the smooth conduction of the examination and the instructions were followed to a T. The exam was successfully conducted with the cooperation of everyone involved.